2018年4月14日 星期六

比較 concern 和 worry

concern worry 都可以表示擔心或憂慮,很多人以為它們的用法差不多,實際上兩者雖然很相似,但又不完全一樣,相比起來多數人會用錯 concern

先說說兩詞相似的地方,concern worry 經常都是以形容詞的形式出現,例如:
She is concerned/worried about her appearance.

另外,兩詞都可以用 It What 開頭,例如:
It concerns/worries us that he hasn’t been in contact with anyone.
What concerns/worries me is how I am going to find another job.

Political issues never concern me.
The drastic changes in the climate are worrying scientists.

雖然 concern worry 確實很相近,但兩者不同的地方在於 worry 可以用作 intransitive(不及物),但 concern 不能,甚麼意思?舉例說:
They worry that they would fail the exam.
這句不能說 They concern that they would fail the exam,最多只可以說 They are concerned that they would fail the exam

很多人都知道 worry about 很常用,因此以為 concern about 也沒問題,但事實上是錯的,例如:
They worry too much about their children.
這句不能說 They concern too much about their children.
My mother is worrying about my father’s health.
這句不能說 My mother is concerning about my father’s health.

正因為 worry 可以不及物,所以日常用語可以說 Don’t worry / Don’t worry about it,但不能說 Don’t concern / Don’t concern about it

2 則留言:

  1. 好實用!!!感謝版主解惑

    正確用法: 物 cocnern 人
    錯誤用法: 人cocnern 物

  2. 我比較疑惑的是在這裡 be+Ved 為什麼不是被動 ?
