2017年5月2日 星期二

affection 和 affectation

英語中有兩個拼法很相像但意思迥異的詞:affection affectation

首先,兩個詞和動詞 affect 都沒有關係,並不是 affect 的名詞,跟 affect 對應的名詞是 effect

很多人應該對 affection 不太陌生,affection 是表示對人或事物的鍾愛之情,可以是愛情、親情、友情或者純粹喜愛,如果你平時經常用 lovecarelikefond of 等這些詞,感覺有點膩,不妨用 affection,提高一點情操,例如:

Their affection for each other is obvious.(他倆互生情愫是顯而易見的。)(Source: Merriam-Webster)
Their father never showed them much affection.(他們的父親從不對他們表現出多少慈愛。)(Source: Longman)
She looked back on those days with affection.(她滿懷深情地回顧那些日子。)(Source: Longman)
She developed a deep affection for that country and its people.(她漸漸對那個國家和人民有了一份深厚的感情。)(Source: Merriam-Webster)

affectation 可沒有那麼正面了,它表示某人的行為或說話方式因故意取悅別人而顯得不自然或欠缺誠意,換句話說,即是「裝模作樣、矯揉造作」,例如:

Her posh accent is pure affectation.(她那上等人的腔調簡直是矯揉造作。)(Source: Online)
Calling everyone ‘darling’ is just an affectation.(逢人都叫一聲 darling 只是裝模作樣。)(Source: Longman)
He raised his eyebrows with an affectation of surprise.(他揚起雙眉,故意裝出一副驚訝的樣子。)(Source: Oxford)
I wore sunglasses all the time and people thought it was an affectation.(我整天戴着太陽眼鏡,別人都以為我在裝酷。)(Source: Collins Cobuild)

