2014年7月22日 星期二

Hello Kitty 擺烏龍

Harper Collins 最近出了一本專為兒童而設的英語詞典,當中更以 Hello Kitty 為封面,名為 Hello Kitty Dictionary,看似號召力十足,然而編輯這回不幸犯了個大錯,擺了個烏龍。

話說該詞典本來包裝精美,解釋淺易,吸引不少父母購買,但不久有一名媽媽發現 necklace 一詞竟然收錄了一個嚇壞人的意思。

necklace 的詞條下,第一個意思很正常,就是「項鏈」(港人稱「頸鏈」):
A piece of jewellery which a woman wears around her neck.

In South Africa, a name for a tyre filled with petrol which is placed round a person’s neck and set on fire in order to kill that person.

聽後恐怕連大人也嚇破了膽,更何況小童呢?這個意思在高階詞典可以收錄,但在以兒童為銷售對象的詞典卻萬萬不適合。事後該名媽媽向出版社提出投訴,Harper Collins 得悉後已停止出售這本詞典了。這次不知是純粹無心之失還是人為的判斷錯誤,總之詞典編輯在選擇收詞時,一定要先考慮讀者對象再詳細策劃、審核。

2 則留言:

  1. Haha... Haven't heard of this story. Very funny! I can't believe dictionary now have Hello Kitty cover. I guess you gotta do whatever you can to make them sell. Right?

  2. I heard about it from my colleague who had sent me the whole news article. I don't know how and why Harper Collins could adopt Hello Kitty as their dictionary's cover. But I believe most kids love it. After the incident, this dictionary has stopped for sale. Not sure what Harper Collins is going to do next.
