2013年12月27日 星期五



1. There were more women than men in the demonstration.
2. Though being younger, Nigel runs faster than Jerry.
3. At this moment, Obama gets more vote than Hillary.
4. The Guardian sells better than The Independent.
5. Rosie grows taller than her elder sister Lesley.
6. In the singing competition, Celina performed better than Flora.
7. The naval officer has a higher rank than the army officer.
8. My Grandma lived longer than my grandpa by 5 years.

上面的句子中,除了比較級和 than 用上粗體以外,還有一些名詞和動詞也同樣以粗體標示,其實筆者這次話題的焦點不在於比較級,而是一個和比較級有緊密關係的用詞:out

如果你平時多查閱詞典或細閱報章雜誌,不難察覺以 out- 作為前綴(prefix)所衍生的一系列詞語,out- 這個前綴若用得恰當,一來可省略多餘的字數,二來會令句子讀起來簡潔有力。以上八個例句皆可以用一個 out- 為首的詞代替:

1. Women outnumbered men in the demonstration.
2. Though being younger, Nigel outruns Jerry.
3. At this moment, Obama outvotes Hillary.
4. The Guardian outsells The Independent.
5. Rosie outgrows her elder sister Lesley.
6. In the singing competition, Celina outperformed (or outshone) Flora.
7. The naval officer outranks the army officer.
8. My Grandma outlived my grandpa by 5 years.


1. Men were outnumbered by women in the demonstration.(反映男性的不濟)
2. At this moment, Hillary is outvoted by Obama.
3. The Independent was outsold by The Guardian.
4. In the singing competition, Flora was outperformed (or outshone) by Celina.
5. The army is outranked by the naval officer.


